Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Perplexing Dynamics of this Universe

My borderline obsessive fascination with astrology greatly displeases and irritates my father.

I can envision his face getting redder by the second, frustratingly biting his lower lip trying to contain his patience with me, as I babble on about water signs, ascendant signs and mutual signs.

“How can such a rational and logical person, like yourself, be so beguiled by such nonsense?”

No matter how much I try to defend and support astrology, the topic is always received with hostile reactions, especially by my father.

The thing I have come to realize, however, is that it doesn’t bother me that my father disapproves of this “hobby” of mine; what annoys me is that he fails to acknowledge things that don’t necessarily have a proven formula or hypothesis.

How does one rationalize love, coincidences or the chemistry felt between people? How does one explain my immediate magnetism to water signs? Or re-occurring “coincidences” ? Is it intentional or does the human race just see what they want to see?

Is there a formula for happiness?

How does one explain the specific energies that people emit? A strong attraction felt between opposites, without even knowing each other?

Without a formula or scientific explanation, how can we justify these intangible phenomenons?

Does it make them less credible?

The thing is there is no formula to life.

Life is just a bunch of random events; that, through our domestication over centuries, have been controlled and conformed by societal norms and expectations.

Life has been molded into an equation that has become so demanding; we spend our whole lives fixated on attaining the components [of this equation] that we miss everything in between.

Sometimes, the best things in life are found in the most unexpected.

Arundhati Roy said it perfectly;

To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget


emeralda said...

i know this comes several years later, but i am kind of rekindling my interest in the blogosphere, following a comment of plug i got here...and love this writing. i agree on your post about communication - it is about the delivery also, rather than just the message, (borrowing from McLuhan the medium is the message - turning it into the delivery is the message). where are you now and what are the career ambitions? where has life led you to? what happened to the water signs? and the astrology hobby?
smiles from across the universe

emeralda said...

and where do you live now?