Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh Leonard..... has been a while

I'd rather refrain from posting anything personally right now, as it may seem super dramatic. So, instead, I have found the last place of declaring my undying love for Leonard Cohen [Sar, stop laughing...remember when I had to rush home to read this to you haha]

Oh Leonard....only he can pull off being dramatic;

The Book of Longing

I can't make the hills
The system is shot
I'm living on pills
For which I thank God

I followed the course
From chaos to art
Desire the horse
Depression the cart

I sailed like a swan
I sank like a rock
But time is long gone
Past my laughing stock

My page was too white
My ink was too thin
The day wouldn't write
What the night pencilled in

My animal howls
My angel's upset
But I'm not allowed
A trace of regret

For someone will use
What I couldn't be
My heart will be hers

She'll step on the path
She'll see what I mean
My will cut in half
And freedom between

For less than a second
Our lives will collide
The endless suspended
The door open wide

Then she will be born
To someone like you
What no one has done
She'll continue to do

I know she is coming
I know she will look
And that is the longing
And this is the book

- Leonard Cohen


plug said...

hehehe, I remember...

I'd always thought poets were those artists who claim a speck on canvas represents "chaos" or some shite like that; but I have to say Cohen here isn't half bad. I mean some passages make me gag and get me all worked up in anger wanting to create extra windows in my house via my fist, but most of his stuff is actually really nice... I like :)

Missing you loads!!!
Luff yews!!


Unknown said...

HAHAHAHAHHAHA ohh mannn...i miss you..can't WAIT till december :)